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Advocates Say Senior Action Day is Wednesday in Michigan


Those aged 60 and older make up 24-percent of Michigan’s population, yet at last count they make up 34-percent of all Michigan COVID-19 cases from the pandemic. Most tragically, persons 60 plus represent 84-percent of the pandemic deaths reported. That striking statistic and much more are driving advocates to name this Wednesday, June 24th, as Senior Action Day in Michigan in a bid to change the fortunes of Michigan’s senior population.

Sponsored by the Region IV Area Agency on Aging and other Area Agencies on Aging in the statewide association, Senior Action Day is a call to advocate for maintaining a strong aging network in the midst of the pandemic and the state’s current budget crisis.

Area Agencies on Aging Association President Laura Sutter says, “It is more important than ever that Michigan seniors have continued access to effective in-home and community-based services to remain independent in their homes,” and adds, “Senior Action Day is an opportunity for seniors and advocates to speak to the Governor and Legislators with one voice about the needs of older adults and people with disabilities.”

David LaLumia, Executive Director of the Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan, says, “We are urging the Governor and Legislature to maintain essential aging network services and to provide direct care workers with a premium pay increase to recognize their essential contribution to the health and safety of Michigan seniors.” He adds, “Part of our strategy to re-engage the economy and transition beyond lockdowns must include adequate protections and care for vulnerable populations.”

Michigan seniors remain at high risk of infection and death and are facing a much longer period of social isolation, difficulty in securing food and access to in-home and community-based care than the rest of the population.

Lynn Kellogg, CEO of the Region IV Area Agency on Aging, notes, “A key role of Area Agencies on Aging is to advocate on behalf of older adults and to facilitate opportunities for them to self-advocate.” She adds, “No voice is stronger than the voice of people impacted by issues. Senior Action Day is a chance for older adults to help policy makers understand how the issues impact their everyday lives.”

The 16 Area Agency on Aging organizations across the state are asking all of Michigan’s area seniors, their family members, caregivers, and those that want to take action for older adults to write letters, emails, or make phone calls to their local elected officials. You can find sample letters and contact info for local elected officials by clicking this link: