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Congressman Fred Upton Issues Primary Win Statement


Congressman Fred Upton has declared victory in his Republican primary challenge over Elena Oelke, but still faces a Democratic challenge in the fall.

The longtime St. Joseph Congressman has released the following statement on Michigan’s Sixth Congressional District primary:

“I remain absolutely committed to working with anyone of any party to solve problems and put southwest Michigan first.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve heard folks’ frustrations, fear, and pain. People are lying awake at night worried about making ends meet and sending their children to school safely. We’ll keep working hand in hand with our heroic health care workers to get them critical medical supplies. We’ll continue helping small businesses, workers, and our schools.

But to restore our way of life and rebuild a healthy future for our families, much work remains. You can bet I’ll be part of any bipartisan solutions.

Lots of folks talk about being a problem solver, especially at election time. But I don’t just talk the talk; I walk the walk. We have a bipartisan track record working on 21st Century Cures, universal broadband for our families, and, most importantly, jobs and economic security.

The race this November will offer a contrast between two visions, and our message will highlight the need to put people over politics. Cooperation and compromise work better than disdain and division.

We’re excited to connect with voters, listen to their concerns, and discuss bipartisan solutions to advance southwest Michigan’s recovery. We’re all in this together.”

Upton recently was named the most bipartisan member among the Michigan congressional delegation in 2019 from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University and the Lugar Center. Upton ranked as the 14th most bipartisan Republican member in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the top 95 percent among all members.

In June, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recognized Upton for his bipartisanship, presenting him with its inaugural Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship.

Upton also has the support this cycle from No Labels, an organization committed to bipartisanship problem solving. He is currently a vice chair of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.

Upton represents Michigan’s Sixth Congressional District which includes all of Berrien, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren counties and most of Allegan County. He served as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee from 2010 to 2016.