When temperatures fall as low as they have this week in Southwest Michigan, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies.
Berrien County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Jeff Thornton tells us everyone should have a stock of supplies in case they get stuck at home or in their car in this cold.
“For your home, I would say you want to make sure that you have at least three days worth of supplies of anything you may need,” Thornton said. “That can include food, hygiene products such as toilet paper, but a big thing that folks tend to forget is medications.”
For the car, Thornton says you should treat it like a portable version of your home with all of the same supplies there to last you a few hours if you get stuck. Extra clothing is especially important in case you have to shut off the engine.
Those who are going to be outside need to be aware of the risk of frostbite. Thornton says it can occur in minutes if the temperature and wind chill are low enough.
“The biggest protective factor will be clothing. Clothing that’s too tight can actually increase your risk of frostbite because of the ability for the wind to penetrate.”
Layer up to protect your most vulnerable areas, which are the ears, cheeks, and fingers. Early frostbite involves a stiff feeling and a waxy, pale appearance. If frostbite starts to appear, get inside and slowly warm up the skin. Use warm cloth, but don’t put anything hot on a potentially frostbitten area.
Thornton says if you do find yourself outside with nowhere to go, you can get a list of warming centers by calling 211.