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MI Restaurant Industry Loves Pscholka


Knowing Al Pscholka's appreciation for a good meal and top quality service, he may very well have a new favorite award in his legislative trophy case thanks to the Michigan Restaurant Association. That industry today has named Al as their Michigan State House Legislator of the Year award winner.

That award from the Michigan Restaurant Association is reserved for and presented annually to a member of the House of Representatives to acknowledge that Legislator's commitment to a vibrant restaurant industry in the state of Michigan. 

For his part, Pscholka says, “The restaurant industry in Michigan is a source of many jobs and the services provided is one of the reasons Michigan is such an incredible tourist destination.” The Stevensville Rep adds, “Not only do people flock to Michigan for our pristine shorelines and other natural resources, but also for the bounty of delicious food Michigan has to offer, everything from salmon and whitefish to Coney dogs and pasties."

Harkening back to his youth as he talked about the award, Al said today, “One of my first jobs was in the restaurant industry. That work taught me important skills like teamwork, communication, and providing quality customer service.”

Justin Winslow serves as President & CEO of the Michigan Restaurant Association. He says Rep. Pscholka, who is chair of the House Committee on Appropriations, has consistently championed legislation removing unnecessary regulatory burdens that prevented the restaurant industry from creating jobs.

Winslow calls Pscholka "A true friend to the Michigan restaurant industry throughout his three terms in the House.” He adds, “We appreciate his support and constant efforts to create an environment in which restaurants can succeed.”

Pscholka received the award today during ceremonies that took place in Lansing during the MRA’s board of directors November meeting.