Study Assesses Future of Midwest Electric Vehicle Market

Automotive parts suppliers scattered throughout Michigan’s Great Southwest might want to grab a copy of a new report released today by M.J. Bradley & Associates regarding the expanding market for electric vehicles and the potential savings for a wide range of constituencies as a result. Those who are doing work or contemplating contracts to manufacture parts for such vehicles will get a solid snapshot of the market as commissioned by Charge Up Midwest, but environmentalists and green thinkers will likely get even more from the report.

The new report found expanding electric vehicles could save Michigan families, drivers and electricity customers billions of dollars over the next three decades, but also found there is significant potential for growth for electric vehicles in Michigan.

Brian Jones is Senior Vice President of M.J. Bradley & Associates. He says, “Our study estimated the costs and benefits of increases in plug-in electric vehicles in the state of Michigan and found significant potential for electric vehicle growth and subsequent savings for residents.” Jones adds, “Our highest projections are very attainable if the utilities, regulators and the private sector aggressively pursue electric vehicle adoption in Michigan.”

The report includes both “moderate” and “high” adoption scenarios based on Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) and Bloomberg forecasts, respectively. According to the Bloomberg forecast, by 2050, up to 55.7-percent of all passenger vehicles and trucks in Michigan could be powered by electric vehicle technology.

Key findings for cumulative financial benefits from mainstream Electric vehicle adoption in Michigan include:

  • Reduced electricity rates for utility customers are $800 million (moderate) and $2.6 billion (high) by 2050
  • Savings from ownership of an EV compared to a gasoline vehicle are $6.3 billion (moderate) and $23.1 billion (high) by 2050
  • Societal benefits from reduced pollution are $1.5 billion (moderate) and $5.7 billion (high) by 2050

Charles Griffith is Climate & Energy Program Director for the Ecology Center. He says, “The benefits of electric vehicles for Michigan are significant – especially when it comes to the potential for new auto sector jobs and protecting our air, land and Great Lakes.” Griffth notes, “In order to maintain Michigan’s leadership in the auto industry, as well as realize the economic and environmental benefits of reducing our use of imported petroleum, government, the private sector and utilities must work together to create smart policies and investment strategies to support the emerging electric vehicle sector.”

Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 9th, the Michigan Public Service Commission is hosting the Michigan Technical Conference on Alternative Fuel Vehicles. At that conference, automakers, electric utilities, charging station companies and other stakeholders will discuss the future of electric vehicles in Michigan.

Luke Tonachel is Director of Natural Resources Defense Council’s Clean Vehicles & Fuels Project. He say, “Michigan, the birthplace of the auto industry, could lead the electric vehicle revolution.” Tonachel adds, “With the right infrastructure, electric vehicles can be an economic and environmental force that cuts pollution, lowers electricity rates, while being cheaper to operate than conventional gasoline vehicles.”

The report examined other benefits, including reduced gasoline use and lower greenhouse gas emissions in Michigan, including:

  • Gasoline saved annually: 138.6 million gallons (moderate) and 243.6 million gallons (high) by 2030
  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduced annually: 1.9 million tons (moderate) and 7.7 million tons (high) by 2050

Joe Halso is an Associate Attorney with the Sierra Club. Halso tells us, “Accelerating the use of electric vehicles in Michigan will reduce dangerous pollution and protect our air, land and Great Lakes.” He adds, “Now is the time to put Michigan on the road to cleaner air, a better grid, and stronger economy by improving drivers’ access to our cleanest and cheapest transportation fuel: electricity.”

The full report can be found by clicking the link below.

Charge Up Midwest is a partnership of environmental and clean energy organizations actively working to increase electric vehicle deployment throughout the region in Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio. Partner organizations include the Natural Resources Defense Council, Ecology Center, Great Plains Institute, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Clean Fuels Ohio, Fresh Energy and the Sierra Club.

Through Charge Up Midwest, these organizations seek to engage with a broad range of stakeholders to support actions that increase investment in electric vehicle infrastructure, create a more resilient and low-carbon grid, expand education of the public and policymakers about the benefits of electric vehicles, and otherwise accelerate the production, sales and access to electric vehicles in the region for all Midwest residents.

Here’s the link to the full report:



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