Local Artists Engaged in ArtPrize

The amazing ArtPrize showcase currently underway in Grand Rapids has at least two major artists from Michigan's Great Southwest engaged in the show, and you can search them out if you're headed there…or vote for them online to help advance their works in the competition side of the show.

Jerry Catania, renowned glass blowing artist from Water Street Glassworks is one and Andrews University Professor Emeritus of Art Greg Constantine is the other. 

Catania's piece BLOOM, as shown in the photo accompanying this story on Moody on the Market.com, is a stellar glass & metal installation on display at the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital at 235 Wealthy Street in Grand Rapids. The soaring 15-foot high, 30-foot wide and 16-foot deep installation consists of four interrelated blown and hot-sculpted glass and metal sculptures that compose the entire art work. 

Catania himself tells us that "By definition, the world bloom is 'a time of flowering' and offers up a variety of meanings, many of which describe good health ("a period of greatest health…a youthful, healthy glow…to be in one's prime…to glow with health")."

Jerry tells his arts audience, "It is my hope that BLOOM inspires all who come through the doors of Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital to 'bloom' and feel a personal sense of renewal." He says his charge was to "create a work that glows with positive, intense energy." He notes that early feedback during the installation process was a "feeling of happiness." 

You can read more of what Jerry has to say about BLOOM in the project entry description on the voting portion of the ArtPrize website. He says that the installation will remain at the hospital "to provide its positive energy to both the healing and the healers, as they embark on their wellness journey together."

Here's the link to Jerry's entry, and you can vote beginning immediately:

Professor Constantine was recently selected as one of six finalists in a competition sponsored by the West Michigan Honda Dealers to paint a design on a Honda during ArtPrize. His concept includes a large map of Michigan with about 25 lighthouses located around the shorelines, with a large lighthouse on the hood and tailgate over a map of Michigan. The winner of that competition will be determined by popular voting which begins next Monday, September 26th according to officials at Andrews University.  

During ArtPrize, the general public chooses who takes home $250,000 in cash prizes. Anyone 13 years of age and over can register to vote in person during the event. Using mobile devices and the Internet, you determine the winners. Voting opened yesterday, Wednesday, January 21st. 


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