16-Year Hiatus Ends for Berrien Springs Pickle Festival, Returning July 4th

The Village of Berrien Springs will conduct the ultimate throwback when a popular event returns for the first time in 16-years.

The previously long-running Berrien Springs Pickle Festival is planning a triumphant return to the community of Berrien Springs, bringing an end to the 16-year hiatus when the village was without the venerable festival.

The Village of Berrien Springs, the Berrien Springs Community Library, and the Berrien County Historical Association are excited to announce the return of the Pickle Festival on July 4th, 2021.

Visitors can start the day in one of two ways:

  • Guests with a sweet tooth can join the Berrien Springs-Oronoko Township Fire Department at the Public Safety building at 4583 Snow Road for a breakfast that runs from 7:30 am to 11:30 am.
  • Those looking to start the day with a burst of energy can enter the inaugural “In a Pickle 5K” race. Racers can pre-register online at http://runsignup.com or register on the day of the race. Registration and packet pick up will begin at 7:00 am and the race commences at 8:00 am. The top three finishers in each category receive a medal and all racers receive a shirt. The race route will be announced shortly.

At 10:00 am the Festival will get underway on the grounds of the History Center at Courthouse Square and the Berrien Springs Community Library. Guests can participate in contests such as Big Wheel Racing, the Famous Pickle Fling, and even a pickle decorating contest. Kids can enjoy old-fashioned games on the library grounds, with prizes for all winners.

Food, crafts, and business vendors will dot the museum grounds with items available for sale. Guests can also enjoy a taste of ice cream on the grounds to keep cool on the warm day or enjoy a special pickle-themed tasting room inside the 1839 Courthouse.

Make plans to continue the day downtown in Berrien Springs with the 4th of July Parade, which kicks off at 4:00 pm. The route will meander down Ferry Street to celebrate the day. And you can end your Fourth with the annual fireworks show at dusk.

You are invited to visit the Pickle Festival Facebook page for updates on activities, a direct link for the 5K sign-up, and additional details on the Festival. Here’s the link to that page:


Located in the heart of Berrien County, the Village of Berrien Springs can be reached at 269-473-6921 or visit http://villageofberriensprings.com. Specific questions on the Pickle Festival can be directed to Community Development Coordinator Kelly Ewalt at kelly@villageofberriensprings.com.

The Berrien County Historical Association operates at the History Center at Courthouse Square in Berrien Springs, located at 313 N. Cass Street. It is the mission of the Berrien County Historical Association to collect and preserve artifacts related to Berrien County history through exhibits, publications, research activities, educational opportunities, and community outreach programs. They can be reached at is 269- 471-1202 or at http://berrienhistory.org.

Serving the residents of the Village and Oronoko Township, the Berrien Springs Community Library offers a multitude of options along with traditional reading material. Hours and information can be found at http://www.bsclibrary.org or by calling (269) 471-7074. The Library is located at 215 W. Union Street in Berrien Springs.


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