MGU Implores: Please Call Miss Dig Before You Act


Whether you’re expanding your business, getting ready to erect a new sign, or simply working on a new garden, the crew at Michigan Gas Utilities is sounding the alarm over too many instances of accidental gas line

Huge Industry Gains Boost Whirlpool Monday Stock Price


It’s been a fascinating day for Whirlpool watchers today, and a rewarding one for shareholders thus far. The Benton Harbor-based appliance giant has seen its stock leap thanks to newly released numbers from the entire industry following

UFCU Wins Major Statewide Recognition Once Again


When you’re singled out for any major recognition, there are always competitors who will consider it to be a one-off fluke, or maybe even “less than worthy.” However, when your team manages to take top honors in

Lakeland Adds Wide Bore MRI to Ease Claustrophobia Fears


If you’ve ever panicked upon approaching an MRI system due to either real or perceived claustrophobia — or sheer size — you’ll be delighted to learn of recent acquisitions by Lakeland Health for facilities in both Watervliet and Niles. The local