Have Vintage Apron, Will Sell

Back in mid-January, I introduced you to the quirky new owner of Purely Michigan in downtown St. Joseph and told you of his decision to come in off the road after more than 30-years as a road warrior engaged largely in the retail business. He came to the conclusion that he wanted to actually be a retailer instead of simply serving them. He wanted to own his own shop, just like he had seen for years on The Andy Griffith Show.

As he welcomed dozens of people to his shop on State Street in St. Joseph Friday afternoon while preparing to formally cut the ribbon on the busy he operates with his wife Demrhy, Erik Youngquist regaled visitors and dignitaries alike with his fascination for the Mayberry shopkeeper and maintained a long-running dream to actually be that shopkeeper.

Now he is…and after exchanging his plaid sport jacket for his shopkeeper's apron once again following the ribbon cut, he was truly in his element, shaking hands, welcoming people, making the pitch for various throw-back merchandise which is attracting a lot of attention and robust sales as well at Purely Michigan.

He told the audience assembled by Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce and the Cornerstone Alliance Women's Business Center that he never wanted to be a fireman, policeman or an astronaut when he was growing up — he wanted to replicate the role of the main street shopkeeper of old. 

The Youngquists are evolving the merchandise from previous owner Lynne Christiano who was also on hand for the ceremonies Friday afternoon. They're adding a lot of retro look Michigan memorabilia alongside craft beers and Michigan wines, as well as gifts, specialty foods, clothing and housewares. 

You can see the original story from Moody on the Market by clicking the link below, and then check out the shop for yourself at 406 State Street in downtown St. Joseph:


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