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Kinexus Deals Social Media Workshop


Love it or hate it, the realm of social media has become a major cog in the wheels of commerce, virtually essential to the manner in which businesses operate in this 21st Century. How does your business stack up? Are your key personnel engaged in the social networking fabric that encompasses the entire world, including the world of business? If you feel that you're flopping around aimlessly, on the outside looking in or simply want to use the tools of social media to a stronger advantage, the change agents at Team Kinexus are ready to help move you into the mainstream.

Social Media has become more popular in the ways of professional use, networking, and socializing. If you are interested in learning more about the pros and cons of different social networks, Kinexus has a workshop for you. Make plans now to join them at the Social Media 101 Workshop on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at Kinexus in Benton Harbor, located at 499 West Main Street from 8:30am to 10:00am.
Internet users in many different industries are using social media and it has become essential to the way businesses operate. You will learn the benefits of using each social media outlet, how organizations are using them to market their products and services, as well as some do’s and don’ts. During this seminar, you’ll learn about Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. You will also be provided tips on how to tell if your social media efforts are actually working for you and your organization.
This workshop will be available to the general public at no cost and given by Katie White, Account Director at Holt Bosse. Team Kinexus encourages you to take in this workshop to learn about the use of social media, whether you use it during your down time or for professional use. You will also learn about the fundamentals of what makes social media engaging, interesting and effective.
For more information or to register, please contact Kinexus Business Consultant, Jeff Hannan at 269-927-1064, x1171, or
Kinexus is a nonprofit organization that invests millions in funding each year in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren counties through integrated business, workforce, and community development. For more information, go to and follow them on Twitter @KinexusGroup and Facebook at