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Proos Continues Drive for Skilled Trades Training


When it comes to career and technical education, nobody can accuse St. Joseph State Senator John Proos of being a slacker. In fact, he’s becoming somewhat of a junkyard dog on the issue, and proved it again today by introducing legislation designed to give Michigan students a leg up on earning a job in a high-skilled career.

Proos contends that, “Michigan’s economy is growing and creating jobs, yet many of these positions remain unfilled. The state recently said that it has more than 98,000 open positions on its official job site.” The Senator argues, “A significant reason for this jobs gap is a lack of focus on training and education in fields where positions exist. This initiative is the next step in ensuring Michigan students are prepared for success and to meet our growing need to fill high-tech automotive jobs.”

Proos’ new Senate Bill 344 would allow a student to receive a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) certification. Currently, there is no incentive for students to take additional math and science credits. There is actually a disincentive, because it is more difficult. If the bill is enacted, Michigan would be the first state in the nation to allow such a STEM certification opportunity.

In rolling out the new legislation, Proos says, “I am proud that we are giving students a chance to receive on-the-job training, and this certification would be an excellent way to highlight a student’s accomplishments.” He adds, “Allowing students to earn this STEM certification and place it on their resumes would help give them a competitive advantage in landing a well-paying job and ensure Michigan closes the skills gap facing employers.”

Proos’ other legislation, SB 343, would require school districts and public school academies to provide students with the most recent available “Career Outlook” pamphlet for the economic forecast region in which the school or public school academy is located. The brochures are created for 18 Michigan regions by the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB) Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives.

Of that resource Proos says, “The Career Outlook pamphlets look outward for future job growth and also highlight current advertised job openings in the area.” He notes,“They are tremendous resources for Michigan students looking at various career paths, and my legislation would ensure that every Michigan high school student receives a copy of the career outlook pamphlet for their area.”

Proos tells us,“It’s all about giving students critical information about jobs and economic trends as they make important decisions about their education and career readiness. Most importantly, we would like to connect our students to jobs and opportunities here at home.”

Most manufacturers would welcome any such legislation that results in filling the gap for skilled trades workers locally and throughout Michigan. Stay tuned.