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Proos Wants Protecton for MI Border Towns


When it comes to attracting business talent and business investment, State Senator John Proos knows all too well the disadvantage or border communities like those he represents in Lansing. That's why he has supported Senate passage of legislation designed specifically to help spur business investment in Michigan border communities.

Proos points with pride to the fact that, “Michigan has created more than 480,000 private-sector jobs in the last six years," calling that "a positive result for Southwest Michigan residents.” He adds, “We must continue to help encourage job creation in our state and ensure that businesses creating Michigan jobs can employ the skilled workers they need to be successful."

Regarding border areas like throughout Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph Counties in Michigan, Proos says, “This reform would help attract job creators to Southwest Michigan, instead of Indiana, and enable businesses already here to expand and grow in our state. Unfortunately, current rules put local border towns from St. Joseph to Sturgis at a huge disadvantage”
Ron Kitchens is President and CEO of Southwest Michigan First. He tells us, “The number one issue in economic development right now is finding talented workers. We can’t afford to lose another company in the border region because we aren’t counting all jobs and available talent.”
Michigan currently offers a variety of economic assistance to businesses that make investments in Michigan or provide “qualified new jobs” in the state. Proos says that Senate Bill 1085 would expand the definition of a “qualified new job” to include a job performed by a non-Michigan resident who is employed by a business that is located in a Michigan border county.
Proos reports, “This bill is about cutting punitive regulations and making smart changes that focus our attention on encouraging businesses to build and grow in Michigan.” He notes, “Southwest Michigan is interconnected with our neighbors in Indiana, with thousands of residents in each state driving across the state line to work. The bill would help create new opportunities in Michigan border communities and help promote the overall quality of living and working in Southwest Michigan.”
SB 1085 has been sent to the Michigan House of Representatives for further consideration at this time.