Trolling with the Troops veterans fishing trip set for June


The Southwest Michigan Steelheaders is planning to host more than 100 veterans on a fishing trip this June as part of the group’s annual Trolling with the Troops event.

Steelheaders President Ryan McCartney tells us it was about eight years ago that members decided to enlist local captains to create a day out on Lake Michigan for southwest Michigan veterans. The event has since grown.

“The first year, I believe we had close to 20 boats and just under 100 veterans that participated,” McCartnery said. “This year, we’re expecting to have maybe 35 to 40 boats and upwards of 150 veterans that will participate.”

McCartney says Trolling with the Troops will start June 21 with a dinner for the veterans at the Stevensville American Legion. They’ll have a chance to win prizes and hear from guest speakers.

The next day will bring the big fishing trip. The public is asked to gather on the St. Joseph piers at 1 p.m. on June 22 for a boat parade as the veterans come back in.

“The day of fishing is great, but when we’re coming in, you can see the gratitude on the veterans’ faces. It really is one of the most special parts of the event. So, the more people that we can get out there, the better.”

McCartney says one veteran caught a more than 20-pound fish last year.

They’re still signing up veterans and captains for this year’s Trolling with the Troops event. You can register at the event’s website.


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