Webinar examines business resiliency in face of current challenges

If businesses have learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that protecting your business from unforeseen hazards and disruptions is essential to ensuring your business’ longevity. Employers in southwest Michigan are invited to join Market Van Buren for an informational webinar to explore Business Resiliency Planning and how preparing for the worst can help your business weather even the most difficult challenges.

“If there’s one thing that we learned in 2020 and 2021, it’s that employers need to be adaptable and ready for anything,” said Zach Morris, Executive Director of Market Van Buren. “We want our businesses in Van Buren County to be resilient in the face of current and future challenges and one way to do that is through continuity planning.”

During this short, introductory webinar, Market Van Buren will cover a variety of topics, including:

  • What business resiliency and continuity planning are, and why they matter
  • How hazards and disruptions negatively impact business operations
  • Why newsworthy disruptions happened and how they could have been prevented
  • Where you can create a Resiliency Plan and supporting resources

The webinar is September 8 from 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm and is a precursor to the Market Van Buren Business Resiliency Workshop, which will be hosted in October. While this webinar is open to everyone, the Business Resiliency Workshop is only available to businesses located in Van Buren County.

“Our hope is to expand this program in the future and offer it to more businesses outside of Van Buren County, but at this time the program is limited due to grant restrictions,” said Morris.

Employers interested in attending can register at https://www.marketvanburen.org/event-details/ by September 7. For questions, individuals can reach out to Sarah Snoeyink at SnoeyinkS@marketvanburen.org.

Market Van Buren, a subsidiary of Kinexus Group, is an economic development organization dedicated to the advancement of economic growth in Van Buren County. The organization was formed to bring the public and private sectors together to advance the economic interests of Van Buren county.  For more information, visit www.marketvanburen.org


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