Whirlpool Holds Ribbon Cutting For New Bike Trail

Whirlpool has held a ribbon cutting for its new mountain bike trail at its campus on the east side of M-63. The 5.5 mile Lakeview Trail has been in the works for a few years now. Off Monte Road, the trail is open to anyone to use. Whirlpool CEO Marc Bitzer told us at Thursday’s ribbon cutting the company wants to help the community be healthy.

“We want it open for the community, make it accessible for the community because, yes, it’s our campus, but why keep such a beautiful landscape away from everybody and make it impossible to use for everybody? Plus, in this case, we didn’t have to buy the land. We didn’t have to ask for tons of permits from the owners because we own it.”

The project started as an idea of the Whirlpool Cycling Club, which noticed there aren’t a lot of biking trails in the county. Thursday’s ribbon cutting was for Phase 1 of the trail project with Phase 2 planned for the west side of M-63.

“I firmly also believe it’s a little bit like a Field of Dreams. You build it, people will come and use it. and that’s what we’re hoping for, that people really actively use it.”

The long term goal is to connect the Lakeview Trail to other trails around the area, enabling easy travel between different Whirlpool properties and other attractions. The trail was designed for riders of all skill levels, and it winds its way through a wooded area behind Whirlpool’s Global Headquarters. All are welcome.


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