Christina Hardy Named to Bold Women of Business Class of 2022


Plante Moran’s Christina Hardy is a true homegrown talent who has advanced dramatically in her chosen career. Chris joined the major accounting firm immediately after graduating from Michigan State University more than 20 years ago as a staff auditor. She quickly advanced through the various stages of her career with the firm before ultimately being elected as a partner in 2018. She now is the partner leading the greater Michigan not-for-profit industry practice within Plante Moran and also serves as a member of the firms Not-for-Profit Quality Review Group. Since early on she has been a highly sought-after mentor and sounding board for many other staffers. Her nominator tells us, “Chris never settled for the easy path of even the logical path as many would define it, but with an often-stubborn sense of determination, she forged forward with courage and will to accomplish her goals. Chris has become a regular presenter and facilitator at Plante Moran’s “Women in Leadership” program, designed to encourage and mentor younger women in the profession. In addition to the positive impact she has had on numerous non-profit client organizations she works with throughout Michigan’s Great Southwest that have benefited from her counsel, she also unselfishly gives of her personal time through her involvement in numerous community organizations, including several key leadership positions. As a partner in one of the nation’s 12 largest accounting firms, she was recognized by Business Direct Weekly as one of Western Michigan’s “Business Leaders Under 40.” Learn more about another Bold Woman of Business from the Class of 2022 by reading on.
Christina Hardy
Where do you live?
Saint Joseph, MI
Company or Organization
Plante Moran
What is your job or role there?
Partner – Greater MI Not-for-Profit Regional Leader
How do you think that Bold Women of Business demonstrate being bold?
Being bold is the ability to take risks and be confident and courageous. Bold women show up each and every day with a gratitude mindset despite what’s happening around them. It is looking for reasons why something will work rather than finding excuses for why it won’t work. What I love about being bold is you can achieve it in your own unique way. There are times when being bold requires that we use our voice loud and proud, while at other times our boldness is found in servant leadership. Either way, women have a tremendous impact on our communities, families, and businesses.
Bold women are often defined by a number of descriptors. Please choose from the following descriptors to produce the top three that you would say most exemplify your personality?
Please provide an example of when you feel you were at your very best in taking action on the job or in your role.
I believe I’m at my best when I’m building and maintaining relationships. The give-and-take of building relationships is my favorite part of life. In the beginning you try to learn as much as you can, and then move to tailoring your responses to support and help. I’ve been blessed to have so many wonderful relationships with my not-for-profit clients, Plante Moran team members and my community. None of us can create change or be bold without support. Every relationship provides a level of support and for that I am grateful.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your road to success?
Christina skipped this question
Who most inspires your personal drive for success every day?
My children. Whether they know it or not, they push me to be the best version of myself. They impact almost every decision I make. I know they are both furtively and openly watching to see how I approach life with the big opportunities and the small choices. My hope is that they’ve discovered, through my actions, that the only thing they can control in any situation is their response to it.
What is your best advice to women in Southwest Michigan looking to succeed, as you have, in business?
Here’s the advice I give to myself daily:

  • Be your very own genuine self!
  • Show up each and every day with a grateful heart.
  • Take time each day to care. As they say, “No one cares what you know until they know how much you care.”
  • Find the positive in every situation.
  • Seek first to listen, including what is not said.
  • Remember your why—it will push you through all situations.
  • Be kind to yourself, just as you are kind to others.
  • Find the reasons why something can be done versus the excuses for it not being done.
  • And above all, make good choices and have fun!

What does your selection to the ranks of the Bold Women of Business from Moody on the Market mean to you?
I am humbled and honored to be named a Bold Woman of Business and to be nominated by a colleague. As I read the nomination, it was clear that I have left a positive impression on others. As I paused and reflected, I recognized this award required celebration. It’s a perfect time to celebrate women from all walks of life, women who used their boldness to make a positive difference in their community, family, and business.
This award reminds me of the importance of mentorship and the need to encourage other women to be bold, to be valiant, brave and strong. I am also reminded that as a bold woman I must lead by example, knowing that others are watching and taking their cues from my actions.
Congratulations to all the BOLD Women! Let’s continue to grow, bring impact and make a positive change on our communities.


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