County Road Association of MI Warns of Political Sign Rules

As the political sign season continues to amp up across much of the country, the folks at the County Road Association of Michigan are warning sign aficionados that there are rules regarding the placement of such signs that you need to comply with, and they’ve released a video providing the guidelines to you.

The County Road Association’s new video outlines the importance of placing political signs – and Yard Sale and Free Kittens signs – outside of the road right-of-way.

The right-of-way extends approximately 33-feet in both directions from the centerline of the road. Any signs placed in that area are a safety threat to both drivers and roadworkers.

County Road Association Director Denise Donohue says, “When you place a sign too close to the road, it can interfere with roadworkers performing essential maintenance duties like mowing or digging.” She warns, “It can also obstruct driver vision, making for an unsafe environment. Following guidelines for sign placement is vital to the safety of both roadworkers and motorists.”

Donahue tells us, “Our two-minute video is a quick lesson on placing temporary signs featuring talent from Maura Lamoreaux, Communications Manager for the Kent County Road Commission.”

Those who wish to learn more about political sign policies can visit their county road agency’s website or contact them by way of phone.

You can learn more by visiting CRA’s YouTube channel for the latest “Out on Your Roads” video at this link:

The 83 members of the County Road Association of Michigan represent the unified voice for a safe and efficient county transportation infrastructure system in Michigan, including appropriate stewardship of the public’s right-of-way in rural and urban Michigan.

Collectively, Michigan’s county road agencies manage 75-percent of all roads in the state, including 90,000 miles of roads and 5,700 bridges. County road agencies also maintain the state’s highway system in 64 counties. Michigan has the nation’s fourth-largest local road system.


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