MEDC Examines Van Buren & Cass Counties for Future Opportunities

Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO Quentin Messer has taken a tour of Van Buren and Cass counties thanks to an invitation from Market Van Buren. Director Zack Morris tells us Messer were in the area this month to visit Cassopolis, South Haven, Paw Paw, and Decatur. He talked with business and municipal leaders.

“Workforce was probably one of the biggest topics that was brought up, and the need for developing our communities so that we can attract workforce back in,” Morris said.
Morris says housing is another major need that was discussed. Business and municipal leaders agree there needs to be more places for the workforce to live. He says the MEDC can do a lot to help a region develop economically.

“From directly being able to provide cash incentives, but also looking at collateral support for loan and capital needs. They also help with the development of infrastructure, housing.”
Morris says recent developments to come out of Market Van Buren and the MEDC’s partnership include expansions at Welch’s and CHT Cassopolis. He notes the area’s many small towns need support from Market Van Buren and the MEDC to continue taking care of the businesses that employ residents.


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