Earning the honor of being the smallest team enterprise to make their way onto the 20 Best Places to Work list for 2020, the crew at Banyon Fette Law Office in Benton Harbor plans to, at least theoretically, celebrate the win with a trip to Hawaii! Keep in mind that while that was the “if money were no object” option from the nomination form, the lobbying has likely begun to get the boss to follow through. Once again, the family feel at Banyon Fette came into play, as nominators argue that the stereotype of a “stuffy” atmosphere expected from a law office is not even remotely true in a place where a “fun and uplifting” environment is at hand every day. When you wrap that conducive atmosphere around the super powers of the ability to read minds of the clients who come in with questions galore, and Superman strength to lift up each client every day, it’s a winning combination that delivers this small but mighty staff to new heights at members of the 20 Best Places to Work in SW Michigan in 2020.
What is the name of the business you are nominating?
Banyon Fette Law
Who are the owner(s) and/or principals in this company?
Kevin Banyon
Business Contact Information
Lauren Baker
1211 E Napier Ave
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
How many people work at the company you are nominating?
Tell us the story behind the nominated company. What does it do, and what sets them apart from other companies in the region?
Banyon Fette Law Office is a family run business that has been in operation for many years. It covers all areas of law, helping local families in their time of need. Not only that, they focus on helping and supporting their own employees and their families. Most would think a law office would be a “stuffy” place to work, but every day we somehow manage to create a fun and uplifting work environment. We’re not just “coworkers,” lawyers and paralegals- we are family. And every day I wake up looking forward to going to work and helping local residents of Berrien County.
In your own words, why do you think this company deserves to be declared to be one of the 20 Best Places to Work in Michigan’s Great Southwest?
Being an established business in this area for so many years, and having helped so many local families this business deserves this recognition for years and years of efficient legal work. Again, they also focus their attention on giving their employees a positive work environment by not only making the work space a fun place to be, but by also supporting them within their own family life.
What makes workers proud to say they work there, and keeps them a part of the team?
Proactive and efficient legal services. The best of the best. They work hard and diligently to provide the best service possible to families of Southwest Michigan
Let’s pretend you’re writing a review for Yelp! or Trip Advisor. Give us your best recommendation for the nominated company that would make the rest of us wish we worked there, too.
Banyon Fette Law Office is a full service law firm that puts in the extra effort to exceed your expectations. Their focus on communication with clients is top notch, never neglecting a client’s questions or concerns. They are a local, family run business that has been in service for many years, and continues to strive for positive outcomes with every case. Not only that, but the uplifting work environment, and friendly attitude of the establishment keeps clients feeling comfortable and at ease in some of their most difficult moments in life.
What three key words best describe why this company is a Best Places to Work caliber company?
1. Efficient…2. Supportive…3. Family
As a Best Places to Work company “Super Hero,” what are the two most magical “Super Powers” this company has on a day-to-day basis? (i.e., Ability to read minds, fly, invisibility, etc) And why?
Super Power One Ability to read minds- Clients come to this office with many questions, some that they don’t even know they have, and the attorneys and paralegals are efficient at answering questions before they’re even asked.
Super Power Two Superman Strength- Working in this field can be tough. But everyone in our office has the ability to be uplifting and supportive to our clients, and to each other
Tell us about the leadership of the nominated company and what they do to:
A] Keep spirits and motivation high? Encouraging one another in professional aspects, and supporting each other in our personal lives. We are one big family.
B] Keep innovation and fresh ideas advancing? The attorneys respect and welcome any new idea of making legal work more efficient for clients
C] Keep communications open? Open door policy- our office is like family, as I’ve said. Any concerns we have, or struggles, the attorneys are so supportive of us and one another in all aspects.
Explain a specific “wow!” moment in this company’s history that is virtually “Hall of Fame” or “Best Practices” worthy, as an example to other companies in the region.
My son was seriously hurt at daycare when he was 9 months old. Without any questions asked, the attorneys told me to take as much time off as I needed to focus on my child and my family during an extremely difficult time. The attorneys also paid me for my time off, so that I did not feel the financial burden of my time away- without having to use my personal vacation time. They were extremely supportive and accommodating during an extremely difficult time. They genuinely cared about my son, and family, and only wanted me to focus on them rather than work. Going through such a horrible experience was made to be a little easier with my employer doing whatever necessary to accommodate my time off.
Best Places to Work have a reputation for not only working hard, but also for playing hard. How does the nominated company:
A] Honor or reward success? Raises, and bonuses
B] Socialize as a team? Work parties, and events
C] Get involved in community events? Donations to local schools and events
D] Celebrate life? Having a great time even during work hours. And then focusing on our own families outside of work, all while supporting one another in and outside of the office
Write a brief, but compelling, recruitment ad telling people about why they should come and work there, too.
If you’re a charismatic, hard worker, with a friendly attitude then this law firm is for you. We cover all areas of law, focusing our attention on keeping clients happy, all while supporting one another in and outside of the office
What one thing is special about your nominated company that most people in the community have no idea actually happens there, but should be shouted from the rooftops because it’s that cool?
We have a habit of trying to scare or surprise each other. Whether it’s wearing a Michael Myers mask and jumpsuit hiding in the back office to scare a paralegal (for fun) or jumping from behind a file cabinet- we make work fun and interesting and we’re always on our toes waiting for the next scare!
Give us three employee perks or benefits that you think make the company you have nominated worthy of a Best Places to Work trophy?
1. Amazing vacation time
2. Supportive employers
3. 401k
If this is your company and you win, write the best headline ever for your company newsletter describing your successful selection to the list, and be as specific as you can about how you would celebrate the win if money were no object.
“Banyon Fette Law Office wins Best Place to Work, Duh!! And to celebrate we’re taking all of you to Hawaii!”
Tell us anything else you want about this company that you suddenly realize we haven’t asked you about, but you’re sure will be the thing that puts you squarely into the winner’s circle! (Wait a minute! Can you put a square in a circle?)
You’ve covered a lot (haha) but I am so proud to be a part of this work family. On Friday’s the attorneys let us leave early sometimes, encourage us to go have time with our families, and they all know how to have a good time! So proud of the attorneys and their amazing reputations they’ve built, and even more honored to be a part of their team!