David Eisenhart


David Eisenhart
LOGAN Community Resources, Inc./Lake Michigan College
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
LOGAN Autism Learning Center in Southwest Michigan provides applied behavior analysis to individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and individual and family therapy. Through these therapies we are able to improve the quality of lives of both the individual and the families in our community teaching individuals how to communicate, reduce problem behaviors, improve daily living skills, improve social skills, and academic readiness for many individuals through Southwest Michigan. LOGAN is committed to supporting people with disabilities in achieving their desired quality of life. Through our commitment to this mission, we help individuals and our community come together to Discover the Potential in each and every one of us. Lake Michigan College works to empower people and communities to thrive through education, innovation, and experiences.

  • I Graduated with Departmental Honors from WMU University, after which I joined the Peace Corps and served in Southeast Asia for two years where I traveled and lectured with the Autism Society of the Philippines.
  • I was teacher at Negros Oriental State University where I taught applied behavior analysis to special education students.
  • I provided a practicum with Western Michigan University where students could complete practicum hours in the Philippines working with children diagnosed with Autism.
  • After returning to the United States I worked as a civilian contractor with the 101st Airborne in Clarksville, TN, and was recognized by the by the 101st for work in safety.
  • I partnered with Notre Dame University in 2018 to bring a study to improve the communication between parents of children diagnosed with disabilities to Southwest Michigan.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
To improve the quality of lives of individuals that are placed around me. My goal is that individuals that are placed close to me would improve themselves in some way through my interactions with them. I hope to continue to be a great example as a father to my children and provide the love and appreciation to my wife that she deserves for putting up with me.

  • Joseph High School Class of 2002
  • Bachelor of Science from Western Michigan University in 2006 with departmental honors
  • Masters of Arts from Western Michigan University in 2008

Baroda, MI
Where were you born?
Berrien Center, MI
What was your first job?
My first job that included a paycheck was for Ace Plumbing Heating and A/C. I worked there for 10 years to help pay my way through college. I am thankful for the lessons I learned doing mostly grunt work the first few summers working there. I continue to use those skills I gained to work on my house, and in my current field. I always tell my staff that “I will never ask them to do something I am unwilling to do myself, but sadly working plumbing I have done some pretty crazy and disgusting things.”
Best advice you ever got?
I have two pieces that impact a lot of what I do and say, “If it is not going to matter in two years, is it worth the fight?” and “Don’t complain unless you have a solution to the problem.”
Who inspires you most?
Through the years I have many examples that have inspired me, I think I would pick my father who always had time for us growing up and was an exceptional example of what a husband, father, and man should look like.
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
You may not be surprised by this but as a Peace Corps Volunteer that has eaten almost every food you have seen on the TV show Fear Factor, I don’t like sour cream or ranch dressing.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
I love to get out in nature to go hiking with my wife and family, I also enjoy playing soccer or ultimate Frisbee when I get a chance, playing cards, and finally I enjoy doing work on my home.
What book are you reading now?
The Bible and Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott. I hope Dan Ryan does not see this as he gave me that book to read four years ago.
Volunteer activity you love the most.
Work projects, I enjoy building things and using my hands when I volunteer. This included building for Habitat for Humanity, projects for friends and families or Chapel in Action Day with my church.
What motivates you to give back to your community?
The lofty goal of attempting to improve the quality of lives of individuals I come in contact with, I hope to demonstrate this through actions for my kids. I always like to live with the attitude of do all things as though you are doing them for the Lord.
What Superpower would you most love to have?
The power to heal. It would be nice to never have a long-lasting injury or illness. I do and have done many foolish things that get myself hurt, it would be nice if these didn’t last as long.
What has been the most eye-opening thing about the coronavirus pandemic for you, personally?
If you can keep your focus on God during these trying times, not much can scare you during the pandemic. I like to think of my life here on Earth as camping. I can put up with a lot of inconveniences on a camp site, but since this is not my home and just temporary it’s not that bad.
What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you?
I feel humbled to be a part of these select groups of individuals both past, present and


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