Savannah Lorren DeVries


Savannah Lorren DeVries
Lakeshore Public Schools, Southwestern Michigan Community College, St Joseph Public Schools
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
Entry level healthcare provider education.
Most recently I was awarded with the State of Michigan Career and Technical Education (CTE) New Teacher of The Year! I have successfully completed a National Oncology Nursing Board Certification (OCN).
Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Administration License since 2007
State of Michigan Sexual Health Educator Certified
American Heart Association CPR Instructor
Michigan and Indiana Nursing Licenses
Michigan Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Instructor
Member of the Southwestern Michigan College-Nursing Advisory Board
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
Completing my Masters in Nursing Education, with a traditional teaching certificate. I aspire to participate in an international mission trip providing medical aid in the nursing capacity.
Associates of Nursing from Southwestern Michigan College
Bachelors in Nursing from Ferris State University.
Working on completing my Masters of Nursing education.
Galien, MI
Where were you born?
South Bend, IN
What was your first job?
My first job was as an open water life guard at Grand Beach, Michigan.
Best advice you ever got?
Having an almost 15 year career in Oncology Nursing, I have had the opportunity to be with people and families at some of their worst times. I have held many patients hands as they have taken their final breaths because they had no one who could or who wanted to be with them at the end. I’ve cried with my patients who will never see their young children or grandchildren grow up. I have seen and been part of some very life-changing experiences in my career as an oncology nurse! All of these touching and influential experiences have sculpted me into who I am! Who I represent as myself every day! I live life fully, I love unconditionally, and I don’t let drama or negativity creep into my life! I can thank my patients for this inspiration and advice I use in my everyday life. This strong influence is represented through my family unit- my husband and my 3 children. We all appreciate and love life!
Who inspires you most?
My patients and families who are facing the worst and so often continue to remain positive and faithful!
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
I raise Peacocks 🙂
What do you love to do in your downtime?
I aspire to be as self-sufficient as possible. I enjoy gardening, helping my children raise their fair projects such as pigs and chickens. I love to craft, sew, cook, and can from my garden. And, of course make memories with my family by traveling and exploring all we can in this lifetime!
What book are you reading now?
I just finished 2 days ago; Everybody Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People by Bob Goff
Volunteer activity you love the most.
I volunteer for the Harbor Country Emergency Food Pantry’s Thrift Store location. Working the boutique store!
What motivates you to give back to your community?
Humanity is built on giving to others! I enjoy giving to others because I can and I should! I want to love people like Jesus did!
What Superpower would you most love to have?
Gosh, this always stumps me! I’d want to heal people but I feel like that’s reserved only for God & Jesus…So a true superpower, I suppose flying 🙂 so I could get places quicker so I can spend more time with the people I care about!
What does this honor most mean to you?
That I am living the example I want others to see me as! If I am helping others the way I want to, then they must see me as a worthy recipient for this award nomination. I am incredibly blessed! Thank you!!!


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