Shelley Wilkinson

Shelley Wilkinson
Lakeland Health Marie Yeager Cancer Center
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
Patient Care
Oncology Nurse since 2005, Registered Nurse 2005, Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN) 2014
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
Obtain my Bachelors in Nursing. Currently have my Associates in nursing with additional board certification in Breast health and Breast cancer.
RN Associates Degree CBCN
Where were you born?
Niles, MI
What was your first job?
Grocery Bagger at Hardings Market in Watervliet, MI
Best advice you ever got?
Live for today because tomorrow is never promised!
Who inspires you most?
Dorothy Messinger of Watervliet, MI
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
I love to investigate!
What do you love to do in your downtime?
Spend time with my family
What book are you reading now?
Not a big reader
Volunteer activity you love the most.
Breast Cancer Walks Breast Health Events
What motivates you to give back to your community?
Our community…we have some of the most engaging unselfish community members.
What Superpower would you most love to have?
Being able to read minds.
What does this honor most mean to you?
This honor is very important to me. Especially being the inaugural Moody on the Market Top 40 under 40. I strive to empower men and women to have the knowledge to make decisions when it comes to breast health and breast cancer. Teach others to be their own advocate and don’t take “No” for an answer if something doesn’t feel right. Speak Up!


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